Dear Compatriots, Dear Residents, Dear Friends,
The year which has just ended has been marked on the international stage by current events which have sometimes been harsh and dark.
However, in the midst of this gloom, acts of solidarity and creative talents have been expressed. We must take note of them and express our acknowledgement to those who undertook them.
Let’s hope that in 2018, political and economic leaders strive to build a more liveable and fair world thanks to sustainable development favouring a “green” economy and the construction of peaceful, open societies, far from the temptation to retreat and balance of power.
Monegasques will have their say on 11 February to elect their representatives. May I remind you that I observe a strict neutrality in this matter and that no-one can claim my support.
I wish that the debates which will take place in this regard may be respectful, in the service of the harmony and union in the spirit of our Institutions and their strict observance. They have proven their effectiveness by offering us a successful social and economic model which benefits our population. Our strengths and particularities cannot, therefore, be questioned.
To our young people, I wish that they experience inspiring events, in meeting fine personalities, and in understanding others, no matter how different they may be.
To the sick, to those afflicted by troubles or grief, I affirm our closeness and our sharing of your trials.
Dear Compatriots, Dear Residents, Dear Friends,
To each and every one of you, the Princess and Myself express our best wishes for 2018. May it be peaceful and fruitful for yourselves and those close to you.
And may we continue, together, to go our original way with perspicacity, in this so complicated world.
Happy New Year to each and every one.
Bon anu noevu