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New Year’s Message from H.S.H. the Prince for 2016

My dear Compatriots, Dear Residents, Dear Friends,


We shall remember the year 2015 as particularly intense and full of contrasts.


Intense, with events succeeding each other at top speed, both on the international scene and at our doorstep, in the Mediterranean Basin and on the European Continent.


Full of contrasts with recurrent violence of all kinds as well as brutal natural phenomena. At the same time, we also witnessed amazing expressions of unsuspected solidarity, demonstrating how strongly energies can federate in vast movements of mobilisation.


I, too, can attest that very recently the COP 21 in Le Bourget gave rise to genuine prospects for the future, with clear signals from the leaders of the countries participating in this Conference as to how the world must develop tomorrow. Now, it is our duty to guard against indecision, hesitation, ineffectual announcements that could hamper the promise of this first step.


In these complex chaotic circumstances, the Principality is a haven of peace. This is something to which each of us has contributed.


I am delighted by our Country’s prosperity, as attested, in particular by its growth, its surplus budget and continued job creation. Our social model remains sound and appeased.


To our young people, I wish for them to be able to build themselves by learning and find fulfilment through committing themselves to serving others.


To all those suffering from illness, fearing the future or otherwise stricken, I would like to express our most heartfelt compassion.


We live in a diverse complementary community. This makes it rich and strong. I urge everyone to continue searching for what is most important, consensus which quells useless conflicts.


We are pursuing our forward-looking discussions with the European Union in all serenity, without haste, with due consideration and vigilance.


Together this year, we will express our faith in what is to come by giving shape to the offshore urban extension project, which is so determinant for our future.



My dear Compatriots, Dear Residents, Dear Friends,


May the Holiday Season offer an opportunity for you to have a fruitful rest for a wonderful New Year in 2016.


We will continue sharing with you the key moments in our Family.


With Jacques and Gabriella, who are a constant joy for us each and every day, the Princess and I wish you a wonderful New Year, full of happiness and serenity.


New Year’s Message from H.S.H. the Prince for 2016