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Wishes of the Royal Couple for 2020

Dear Compatriots, Dear Residents, Dear Friends,

I am particularly attached to this traditional moment of an exchange of wishes because it constitutes a break in our hectic daily lives which sometimes can distance us from the real objectives of our existence.

This holiday season is meant to be a truce, a period of sharing at the end of a year, marked, as is unfortunately far too often the case, by conflicts and humanitarian and environmental crises.

We are also seeing an increase in tensions in many societies around the world linked to economic difficulties and the uncertainties of the future.

People expect their leaders to have a responsible attitude in order to allow them to have confidence in the future. An effective commitment to provide reassurance economically, to guarantee impartial justice, to work in favour of lasting peace and to take into consideration the great challenges of our century, in particular that of global warming and its dramatic consequences. Unfortunately, we have seen the impact of this recently here at home and in our region.

Protecting our planet is a huge responsibility we owe to our children and future generations.

This moment of sharing also allows us to take the time to pay tribute to the selfless actions of those who, through their generosity and their solidarity, have brought a little comfort to the too large a number of people who are suffering.

Our Country is a place of peace and prosperity where solidarity, individual and collective, private and public, is expressed with force, because its population is aware of the privileges which are theirs.

This social and economic success is the fruit of the work of everyone, private individuals and public entities that I thank for their contribution.

I also pay tribute to the actions of women and men in our institutions whose sense of responsibility contributes to the preservation of our model of society.

We must work tirelessly to allow our young people to achieve their dreams and our elders to lead a peaceful and dignified life.

Dear Compatriots, Dear Residents, Dear Friends,

Rest assured of my determination to continue on the path traced by my ancestors to guarantee stability, prosperity and justice for our country.

We must work for a fairer world of compassion and solidarity.

We send you, with our children, Jacques and Gabriella, our warmest wishes for 2020.      

Happy new Year.

Bonne nouvelle année.

Bon Anu Noevu.



Wishes of the Royal Couple for 2020