HSH Princess Stephanie, President of Fight Aids Monaco, and her team organized, for the Association’s 10th anniversary on Friday 25 July, a Gala Concert-Dinner at the Sporting Monte-Carlo, starring the singer Christophe Maé, a long-time FAM supporter. The artist hails from the town of Carpentras, in the Vaucluse, home to “La Maison de Vie.”
This anniversary marks “10 years of fighting” for Princess Stephanie, who has conducted actions of prevention and support to people with her Association since it was founded. After beginning locally in Monaco and the PACA Region (Provence-Alpes-Côtes d’Azur), these actions soon extended worldwide to Africa (South Africa, Burundi), the Indian Ocean (Madagascar, Mauritius) and the Caribbean (Haiti), and were accompanied by a major event: construction in 2010 of La Maison de Vie, an establishment for renewal and well-being unique in Europe which celebrated its fourth anniversary last June.
The Summer Gala and the Auction of 1 December organized by FAM are the two main events of the year, intended to bolster the message of prevention and gather the funds essential for conducting actions.
This year, the Gala celebrated the Association’s 10th anniversary with an exceptional raffle with valuable prizes generously offered by Fight Aids Monaco’s historic partners.
Princess Stephanie has been Founding President of Fight Aids Monaco since 2004 and UNAIDS Goodwill Ambassadress since 2006.